25 APR — 26 APR 2023

TouchDesigner Event
Berlin 2023


This two-day TouchDesigner event 25 - 26 April, 2023 is the first Derivative-hosted community event in Europe since Berlin 2018 – and a long time coming!The daytime program will consist of five presentations from the community per day. The first evening session is a special edition of The NODE Institute's TouchDesigner Roundtable at the Zeiss Planetarium Berlin with three full-dome presentations from some of the community's luminaries. As always these events are intended to share new work and ideas, inspire and educate, and simply to gather in person for intensive TouchDesigner community time. In partnership with MONOMANGO the event takes place at the HOLON space with the hard work and expertise of our event partner The NODE Institute.

TouchDesigner Event, Photos by Marta Pang, courtesy of Derivative ©

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TouchDesigner Event, Photos by Marta Pang, courtesy of Derivative ©

Artist Interview

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